37th Meeting Chantilly, 1994
List of Participants and Titles of Communications
Nota Bene: The following list follows the orthography of the Meeting Booklet handed out at the Meeting. Names in brackets appear in the list of participants but indicate the absence of that person (source: names crossed out with ball pen by owner of said booklet).
- Agyagási Klára (Debrecin, à Mainz): The Chuvash Verb-System, as an object of modern linguistical investigation
- (Akalın Sukru Haluk (Adana): Phonetic Substitutions of Western names in Saltuq-name)
- Antonova Elena (Köln): The origin of the term kalmyk
- Aubin Françoise (CERI, Paris): À propos de la réévaluation populaire du passé en Mongolie postcommuniste
- Bassarak Armin (Berlin): Sur la grammaticalisation des catégories verbales en turc moderne
- Bazin Louis (Paris): Le nom du chameau dans l’aire turco-mongole
- Beffa Marie-Lise (Paris): Les noms propres dans l’Histoire secrète des Mongols
- Boikova E. V. (Moscou): P. Pjasetsky. About his stay in Mongolia in 1874
- Braam Hantsje (Utrecht): Types, polynomes and collocations (with M. Vandamme)
- Brentjes Burchard (Berlin): The early art of the Altaic people
- Celnarova Xenia (Bratislava): The evolution of Turkish folk poets
- Chan Hok-lam (Hong-Kong): The distance of a bowshot: some remarks on measurement in the Altaic world
- Chiodo Elisabetha (Bonn): Mongol texts on birch bark found in Bulgan Aimak
- Corff Oliver (Berlin)
- Décsy Gyula (Bloomington): Hungarian surnames of Osmanic-Turkic origin
- Di Cosmo Nicola (Harvard): Manchu and European colonialism: a comparative view
- Drompp Michal R. (Memphis): Oedipus and the Turks
- (Dubinski Alexander (Warszawa): Bemerkungen über die Transkription und Ausgabe von W. Radloff der karaimischen Texte aus der Krim)
- Ersen-Rasch Margarete (Berlin)
- Even Marie-Dominique (Paris): Jeux de mots mongols (avec. Ts. Shagdarsüren)
- (Fedotov Alexander (Sofia): Folklore in the Secret History of the Mongols)
- Galik (Bratislava)
- Gorélova L. (Moscou): The Manchu tribe Sibe among the other peoples of Sinkiang — From a point of view of linguistics
- Goryaeva Maria Ochir (Elista): Ancient images in the Kalmyk epic poem Janggar
- Guchinova Elsa Bair (Elista): The Western social-political institutes and traditional mentalities
- Haining Thomas N. CMG (Aberdeen)
- Hamayon Roberte (Paris): Chamanisme, bouddhisme, héroïsme épique : Quel support d’identité pour les Bouriates post-soviétiques ?
- Hamilton James (Paris)
- Heintz Joos (Santander)
- Heissig Walther (Rheinböllen)
- Higuchi Koichi (Suita, Japan): Foreign elements in the language of the Mongolian Buddhist literature
- Honey David B. (Provo): Philologist and philobarbaros: the Altaic studies of Peter A. Boodberg
- Howell Richard W. (Hawai): Blondie in Korea
- Jagchid Sechen (Provo): Mongolia and the West
- Jakmyr Jitka (Lund): Maintaining Turkish identity in Sweden
- Jiger Janabel (Harvard): Les rapports diplomatiques kazakh-russes (1534–1734)
- (Kazhibeg Erden (Alma-Ata))
- (Karteva Svetla (Sofia): On the etymology of the word shaman)
- Kellner-Heinkele Barbara (Berlin)
- Khisamitdinova Firdaus (Ufa): Mots de civilisation en Bashkir
- Khodarkovsky Michael (Chicago): The virtues of Ambiguity: Political succession among the Kalmyks
- (Kljashtorny S. G. (St. Petersbourg): The Western migration of Oghus tribes: Evidences of runic inscriptions)
- Kortland F. (Leiden)
- Koyama Koichiro (Sapporo): The Turkoman nomads seen in the travels of Bertrandon de la Broquière
- Marsh Peter K. (Bloomington): When elephants roamed the steppe: A challenge to archaeological assumptions about the Mongolian paleolithic
- (Mende Erling von (Berlin): On some Jürcen names)
- (Mende Rana von (Berlin))
- (Menges Karl (Wien): Les rapports linguistiques et culturels des Altaïens avec l’Ouest)
- Meserve Ruth (Bloomington): White gold, white plage: the cotton industry in Central Asia in the 1930s
- Michel Heike (Berlin): The open-air sacrificial funeral of Mongolia
- Miyawaki Junko (Japan): When did Inner and Outer Mongolia originate as geographical terms?
- Mollova Mefküre (Paris): Autour de la première lacune de Babûrname
- (Nasrittinoglu Irfan (Ankara): Gagauz Kültürünün Türk Kültüründeki yeri)
- Okada Hidehiro (Tokyo): Chinggis Khan’s wise sayings: How old are they?
- Orlova Kema (Elista): Mongolian üliger and western exempla. Common and distinctive features
- (Önder Mehmet (Ankara): Mevlâna Celâleddin Rumi’nin Türkçesi)
- Piliçkova Sevim (Skopje): Les êtres surnaturels dans les contes populaires des Turcs de la république de Macédoine
- Pustagachev J.: Ethnogenesis and ethnic history of the Altaic peoples
- Rachewiltz Igor de (Canberra): The name of the Mongols in Asia and Europe: a reappraisal
- Richard Jean (Dijon): Vêtement et marque de soumission dans le monde des Mongols : sur un passage de Simon de St-Quentin
- (Sagaster Klaus (Bonn): Some remarks on the Tibetain texts on birch bark found in Bulgan Aimak)
- (Sakaoglu Saim (Konya): Les types des anecdotes du Kazakhstan et les versions semblables dans le monde turc
- Sárközi Alice (Budapest): Shaman texts in the St. Petersburg collection
- Shagdarsüren Tseveliin (Oulan-Bator): Sur les jeux des Mongols (avec M.-D. Even)
- Shcherbak A. M. (St. Petersbourg): Sur la question de l’origine de l’écriture runique
- Shimo Hirotoshi (Tokyo): Two important Persian materials on the Mongol empire
- (Shingin T.: Pecularities of guttural singing of the South Siberia peoples)
- Schütz Edmond (Budapest): The evaluation of prince Hayton’s plan of a new crusade
- Sinor Denis (Bloomington)
- Solntsev Vadim (Moscou): Genitive in Mongolian and South East Asian languages
- Tarbanakova S.: Theatre elements in rites and games of the Altaic peoples
- Taube Erika (Leipzig)
- Tongerloo Alois van (Louvain): Notices terminologiques sur le panthéon manichéen ouïgour
- Tryjarski Edward (Warszawa): Polish authorities on saint Hyacinth’s missionary activity among the Altaic peoples
- (Türkmen Fikret (Izmir): Notion d’Esprit dans les anecdotes de la région de la mer noire et chez les Grecs du Pont)
- Underdown Michael (Canberra): European knowledge of Korea during the Yuan Dynasty
- Unterbeck Barbara (Berlin): On the polysemy of the Manchu suffix -ri
- Vasiliev D. D. (Moscou): La corrélation des versions d’est et d’ouest de l’écriture des Turcs anciens
- Vandamme Marc (Utrecht): (communication commune avec H. Braam)
- Veit Veronika (Bonn)
- Vietze Hans-Peter (Berlin)
- Walravens Hartmut (Berlin): The Manchu Anatomy
- Wu Shu-hui (Berlin): The imbalance of virtue and power in Qing frontier policy: on Turfan campaign (1731)
- (Zhukov K. (St. Petersbourg): Oriental vocabulary and some obscure passages in the text of the Igor Tale)