Tryjarski, Edward

E. Tryjarski, Warszawa (March 31, 1923 — August 23, 2021)

PIAC Medal awarded in 1998


  • 7th Meeting, 1964:
    • Communication (1): The Present State of Preservation of the Old Turkic Relics in Mongolia
    • Communication (2): Das Pferd in den armenisch-kiptschakischen Texten
    • Proceedings: ‘Das Pferd’ in den Armenisch-Kiptschakischen Texten (s. Proceedings)
  • 9th Meeting, 1966: Rangs, titres et fonctions dans certains textes arméno-kiptchak (s. Proceedings)
  • 11th Meeting, 1968: Beekeeping among the Turks (s. Proceedings)
  • 12th Meeting, 1969: Zur neueren Geschichte des Ongin-Denkmals (s. Proceedings)
  • 13th Meeting 1970: Les religions des Petchenègues (s. Proceedings)
  • 17th Meeting, 1974:
    • Arbeitsbericht
    • Der zweite Brief des Paulus an die Korinther in armeno-kiptschakischer Version und seine Sprache (s. Proceedings)
  • 18th Meeting, 1975: Interjections in Some Languages of Western Turkic (Codex Cumanicus, Arabo-Kipchak, Armeno-Kipchak, Karaim, and Kazan Tatar) (s. Proceedings)
  • 19th Meeting, 1976: Turkic names for mushrooms — native terms and loan words (s. Proceedings)
  • 20th Meeting, 1977: The dog in the Turkic area: An ethnolinguistic study (s. Proceedings)
  • 23rd Meeting, 1980: Zur Frage einiger Parallelen zwischen den Bestattungsritualen der Alt-Türken und Chinesen (s. Proceedings)
  • 24th Meeting, 1981: Names for Monetary Units, Measures, and Weights in Armeno-Kipchak Texts (s. Proceedings)
  • 25th Meeting, 1982: Towards a Better Knowledge of the Turkic Military Terminology (s. Proceedings)
  • 27th Meeting, 1984: Der „Englische Gruß“ in einer armeno-kiptschakischen Handschrift wiedergefunden (s. Proceedings)
  • 28th Meeting, 1985: A New Edition of the Armeno-Kipchak “Chronicle of Venice” (s. Proceedings)
  • 32nd Meeting, 1989: Pigeons on the Turkish Roof. Some Historical and Linguistic Remarks (s. Proceedings)
  • 33rd Meeting, 1990: Some Presumable Protobulgarian Rings, Their Signs and Ornamental Motifs (s. Proceedings)
  • 34th Meeting, 1991: Origin of Royal Sovereignty and Doctrinal Legitimacy of the Ruler According to Yūsuf Khaṣṣ Ḥājib of Balasagun (s. Proceedings)
  • 37th Meeting, 1994: Polish authorities on Saint Hyacinth’s missionary activity among the Altaic peoples (s. Proceedings)
  • 39th Meeting, 1996: The Unity or Multiplicity of Runic Scripts. An Account of the Attempt to Isolate a South Yenisei Alphabet (s. Proceedings)
  • 41st Meeting, 1998: Some novelties of the Runica Bulgarica (s. Proceedings)
  • 42nd Meeting, 1999: The collapse of the three Kipchak languages: Armenian-Kipchak, the language of the Polish-Lithuanian Tatars and Karaite
  • 43rd Meeting, 2000: Two Prayers of an Armenian Alchemist from Lvov (s. Proceedings)
  • 44th Meeting, 2001:
    • Communication: An Account of Turkish Women in a Polish Work of the 17th Century
    • Proceedings: On Turkish Women in a Polish Work of the 17th Century (s. Proceedings)
  • 45th Meeting, 2002: A Prayer and Alchemic Symbols in an Armeno-Kipchak Text (s. Proceedings)
  • 47th Meeting, 2004: The Present State and Prospect for Armeno-Kipchak Studies
  • 48th Meeting, 2005: Terminology of Family and Kinship in Kipchak Texts of the Polish Armenians and in the “Codex Cumanicus” (s. Proceedings)
  • 49th Meeting, 2006: A Polish Account on the Buriats in the Middle of the 19th Century (From Agaton Giller’s Memoirs) (s. Proceedings)
  • 50th Meeting, 2007: Kazan in Polish Historical Consciousness: Prisoners and Orientalists (s. Proceedings)
  • 51st Meeting, 2008: “Travelling and Transportation terminology of the Armenians Speaking and Writing Kipchak
  • 53rd Meeting, 2010: The Buriat Buddhism in Agaton Giller’s Memoirs (s. Proceedings)
  • 55th Meeting, 2012: “On the Hierarchy among the Early Turks