Firdaus Khisamitdinova — Ф. Г. Хисамитдинова
- 33rd Meeting, 1990: Субстратная топонимия бассейна реки Агидель
- 36th Meeting, 1993: Архаичная лексика в заговорах и заклинаниях башкир
- 37th Meeting, 1994: Magic vocabulary in Bashkir
- 44th Meeting, 2001:
- Communication: Die Rolle and der Status der Mutter in der baschkirischen Familie
- Proceedings: The Place and Role of the Bashkir Woman in Family and Society: the Present and the Past
- 45th Meeting, 2002: Понятия ölöš (доля) в Башкирской мифологии
- 46th Meeting, 2003: The Concept of a Portion (“Elesh”) in Bashkir Mythology
- 61st Meeting, 2018: Traditional Games and Competitions of the Bashkir Holidays