Vasiliev, Dmitri

Дмитрий Дмитриевич Васильев
(October 11, 1946 – January 18, 2021)

Known under the following romanization variants: Dmitry D. Vasiliev/Vasilyev/Vasil’ev, and Dmitri Wassiljew.


  • 29th Meeting, 1986: (appointed as Secretary of the Meeting)
    • Полевые археографические изыскания тюркской руники в Южной Сибири
    • (together with В. А. Семенов): Новые находки памятников тюркской рунической письменности
  • 30th Meeting, 1987: New Runic inscription in the Altai
  • 34th Meeting, 1991: “Personalia of ancient Turk epitaphs and political structure of the periphery of the Turk khaganate.” (D. Vasilyev was also elected into the PIAC Medal Committee).
  • 35th Meeting, 1992: Old Turkic Inscriptions of the Chinese Mirrors from Siberian Museums
  • 36th Meeting, 1993: Информационные поля базы данных тюркских рунических текстов
  • Contribution to PIAC Newsletter No. 21, May 1993: Databases on the Sources of the History of Medieval Eurasia
  • 37th Meeting, 1994: La corrélation des versions d’est et d’ouest de l’écriture des Turcs anciens
  • 41st Meeting, 1998: Datenbasen für türkische Runeninschriften: Epitaphische Epigraphik aus Südsibirien
  • 44th Meeting, 2001: Das Schloss des alt-uighurischen Khagan Mojuu-Tschur am Waldsee in Tuva
  • 45th Meeting, 2002: Palast und Festung des uigurischen Kahans auf einem Insel des Taiga-sees in Tuwa
  • 46th Meeting, 2003: Güney Sibirya Kaya Resimlerinde Kağan Seçimi töreni
  • 50th Meeting, 2007: Источниковедческий аспект историко-культурного проекта раскопок и реставрации древнеуйгурской крепости Пор-Бажын в Туве
  • 61st Meeting, 2018: Information about military campaigns to China in the Yenisei runic inscriptions of Kyrgyz people in the 8th — 9th centuries
