44th Meeting Walberberg, 2001: Programme

Permanent International Altaistic Conference (PIAC) 44th Meeting

Walberberg, Germany 26 — 31 August, 2001


Sunday, Aug. 26, 2001

Welcome-Dinner : 18.30h

Monday, Aug. 27, 2001

Breakfast : 8–9h
Morning Session : 9.15 — 12.15h
Plenary and “Confessiones”
Coffee Break : 10.30h
Lunch : 12.30h

Afternoon Session : 14.30 — 18.15h

Section I / President : H. Okada

1. W. Heissig : Das Motiv der Hexenverbrennung in der mongolischen Volksdichtung
2. R. Meserve : The Red Witch
3. Á. Birtalan : Ada — A Harmful Female Spirit in Mongolian Mythology and Folklore

Coffee Break : 16.00h

4. Nima : Em-e kuisütü sitügen kiged teüke üiledün
5. A. Sárközi : “Goddess With the White Parasol! Protect Us!”
6. A. Iván : Maudgalyayana in the Buriat Folkreligion?

Section II / President : F. Kortlandt

1. A. Senderzav : Bezeichnungen des Weiblichen im modernen Khalkha-Mongolisch
2. P. Kalchofner : How to Express Feminine Gender in Mongolian
3. I. Shentsova : Traces of Feminine Language in Shor [South Siberian Turkic]

Coffee Break : 16.00h

4. N. N. Kurpeshko : The Analysis of Female Names in the Shor Community
5. N. Tydykova : Linguistic Features of Women’s Names in the Altaian Heroic Epic
6. V. Rybatzki : Some Middle Mongolian Female Names
7. Z. Anayban : The Women of Tuva in the Process of Transformation of the Russian Society

Dinner : 18.30h

Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2001

Breakfast : 8–9h

Morning Session : 9.15 — 12.15h

Section I / President : A. Sárközi

1. B. Frey-Näf : “Compared With the Women the … Menfolk Have Little Business of Their Own” [P.S. Pallas, 1776]. Gender division of labour in the history of the Mongols
2. Sečenmöngke : The Role of Women in the Traditional Mongolian Society
3. E. Schlueter : The Role of Women in the Oirat-Kalmyk Society

Coffee Break : 10.30h

4. S. G. Klyashtorny : Women the Ancient Turkish Society
5. I. Oktyabrskaya : Masculine and Feminine Cultures of the Altaic Turks
6. S. Tioukhteneva : “A Poor Man Is Better Than a Woman With a Golden Head” [Altaian proverb]

Section II / President : F. Carlson

1. F. Hisamitdinova : Die Rolle and der Status der Mutter in der baschkirischen Familie
2. F. Latypova : Women in Public Authority in the Republic of Bashkortostan
3. J. Chytyrbaeva : Women of Contemporary Kyrgyzstan: ten years after independence

Coffee Break : 10.30h

4. A. Nesimoğlu : The Role of Women in the Family Life of the Turkish Cypriots
5. S. I. Sağıroğluları : The Role of Women in the Turkish Cypriot Community
6. T. Baykara : Women’s Bazaar

Lunch : 12.30h

Afternoon Session : 14.30 — 16.45h

Section I / President : R. Meserve

1. G. Stary : Three Manchu Heroines and their “Destiny” in Qing Historiography
2. T. Pang : The Destiny of Qing Taizu Nurhaci’s Second Wife Gundai

Coffee Break : 15.30h

3. M. Drompp : From Qatun to Refugee: the Tai-ho Princess among the Uighurs
4. W. Rozycki : Letters from a Kalmyk Princess: Oirat-Script Correspondence by Cebeq in the 1820’s

Section II / President : M. Gol’man

1. E. V. Boikova : Civil Marriage in Pre-revolutionary Mongolia
2. E. Pankeyeva : The Concepts of Marriage and Celibacy in the Traditional Philosophy of Siberian Turks

Coffee Break 15.30h

3. N. Solntseva : Pronouns and Kinship Terms Used for Women in South-East Asian Languages and in Mongolian Languages
4. J. M. Gálik : The 24th Nasreddin? Women in Wang Meng’s Stories

Reception by the Pro-Rektor of Bonn University, Professor Dr.med. Andreas Hirner : 18.00h

Bus leaves at 17.15h

Dinner [Buffet] : 20.00h

Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2001

Breakfast : 8–9h
Morning Session : 9.15 — 12.15h

Section I / President : B. Kellner-Heinkele

1. D. Wright : The Political and Military Power of Kitan Dowagers
2. J. Miyawaki-Okada : The Role of Women in the Imperial Succession of a Nomadic Empire
3. H. Okada : The Role of Women in the Erdeni-yin Tobči

Coffee Break : 10.30h

4. D. Sinor : Some Remarkable Women in Inner Asian History
5. J. Gießauf : Die Wahrnehmung des Fremden. Frauen im mongolischen Weltreich im Spiegel europäischer Quellen
6. E. Tryjarski : An Account of Turkish Women in a Polish Work of the 17th Century

Section II / President : G. Stary

1. A. Pozzi : Manchu Women
2. H. Walravens : Eine mandjurische Gynäkologie
3. J. Taube : Albasty and das Motiv der Vielbrüstigkeit

Coffee Break : 10.30h

4. N. Nazirova : The Ancient Uighurs’ Ornamental Tradition in the Dressing of Women in East Turkestan
5. D. Vassiliev : Das Schloss des alt-uighurischen Khagan Mojuu-Tschur am Waldsee in Tuva
6. D. Cheremessin : Les sujets “érotiques” d’art pariétal de l’Asie Centrale

Lunch : 12.30h

Boat-Trip : 15–18.30h
Bus leaves at : 14.15h
Dinner [Buffet] : 20.00h

Thursday, Aug. 30, 2001

Breakfast : 8–9h
Morning Session : 9.15 — 12.15h

Section I / President : E. Tryjarski

1. B. Kellner-Heinkele : Abu L’Gazi Bahadur Khan and the Famous and Infamous Women
2. I. Zimonyi : lbn Battuta on the First Wife of Özbek Khan
3. Y. C. R. Lam : The Life of Safaliq Re-examined

Coffee Break : 10.30h

4. T. Tchoroev : Nomadic Women’s Social Life according to Makhmud al-Kashgari’s ‘Diwan’ and ‘Mongolyn ni’ucha tobchiyan’ [XI and XIII cent.]
5. K. D’HulsterA. van Tongerloo [in absentia] : Miss Dawn — a Manichaean Uighur Lady
6. N. Yang : Women and Family Organization in the Ancient Kingdom of Loulan

Section II / President : D. Vassiliev

1. E. Fazilov : The Expression of Women’s Public Attributes in the Written Turkish Language of Monuments of the XI–XVIth Centuries
2. M. Dobrovits : The Maiden in the Tower. The question of a Turkic ethnogenetical cycle
3. E. Kovács : Women in the Traditional Kharachai-Balkar Society. Women in the Kharachai-Balkar Narts Epos

Coffee Break : 10.30h

4. I. Bozkurt : Forty Girls : an epic poem of the Kharakalpaks
5. T. Sadalova : Women’s World Outlook by the Altaians
6. M. Tolbina : Women’s Fate Problems in Altaian Songs

Lunch : 12.30h

Afternoon Session : 14.30 — 16.45h

Section I / President : E. Boikova

1. V. K. Shivlanova : The Development of Traditional Mongolian Folklore and the Role of Women in it
2. M. Petrova : Female Poets of Modern Mongolia

Coffee Break : 15.30h

3. E. Taube : Die Rolle der Frau in der Dichtung der Tuviner
4. T. G. Bordjanova : Die kalmückische Schriftstellerin Bosja Sangadschieva

Section II / President : N. Solntseva

1. A. Dybo : Names of Gifts in Altaic Languages
2. V. M. Alpatov : Female Variant of Japanese

Coffee Break : 15.30h

3. Zh. Kassymbaev : Resettlement of the Volga Kalmyks in China through the Kazakh Steppes in 1771, according to New Archive Material
4. D. Chmielovska : Women in the Turkish Literature in the 90s of the 20th Century
5. F. R. Latypov : Women in the Parent-Turkic World

Business-Meeting : 17.00h
Dinner : 19.00h
Concert : Urna and Ensemble — Traditional Mongol Music 20.15h

Friday, Aug. 31, 2001

Breakfast : 8–9h
Departure after breakfast