- 29th Meeting, 1986: Об алтайских названиях пядей
- 42nd Meeting, 1999
- 44th Meeting, 2001: Names of Gifts in Altaic Languages
- 45th Meeting, 2002: Turco-Tocharica and Turco-Sacica Renewed
- 48th Meeting, 2005:
- Communication: Палеокультура, прародина и древние связи тюрок по данным лингвистической реконструкции
- Proceedings: Indoeuropeans and Altaians through the Linguistic Reconstruction
- 49th Meeting, 2006: (together with Julia Normanskaja) К древнейшим самодийско-тунгусским лексическим связям (названия животных)
- 50th Meeting, 2007: The Phonetic Features of Bulgar Languages From the Data of Loan-Words
- 52nd Meeting, 2009: Proto-Turkic mythologic terms: myth and reality
- 57th Meeting, 2014: Dwelling Names in Turkic and Manchu-Tungus: a Contrastive Analysis
- 61st Meeting, 2018: Altaic Borrowings in Russian names for dice
- 63rd Meeting, 2021: “The Atlas of the Turkic Dialects in the Russian Federation: Some results and problems“
- 66th Meeting 2024: Building a low level Genealogical Tree based on Ordered Rules: Divergence and Convergence among the Turkic Dialects of Southern Siberia
Bibliographical Note:
Sergei Starostin, Anna Dybo, and Oleg Mudrak: Etymological dictionary of the Altaic Languages. Leiden: E.J. Brill (2003)