(Source: Permanent International Altaistic Conference Newsletter No. 21, May 1993, pp. 9–10)
The following material was communicated by Dr. Dimitri Vasiliev, Vice-President of the Russian Orientalists’ Association:
Databases on the Sources of the History of Medieval Eurasia
The Principles and the Perspectives of the “Programme of the Computer Researches on the Medieval History of Eurasia”.
The Principles of the Work with the Factographical Historical Databases.
Bljumkhen, S.I. (Moscow): The Structure of Ancient Chinese Guessing Dices’ Database.
Davidovich, E. A. (Moscow): The Prospects of the Database of Sheibanid Golden and Silver Coins.
Dodhudoeva,Lola N. (Dushanbe): The Prospects for the Use of PC Methods in the Historical Researches of the Medieval and Modern History’s Department of the Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography of the Tajik Academy of Sciences.
Dubrovskaja, D. V. (Moscow): The Problems of the PC-Produced Hieroglyphic Texts of Chinese Medieval Historical Sources.
Ermolenko, L. N. and D. A. Smirnoff (Kemerovo): Asian Steppes ‘Stone Sculptures’ Database Structure.
Ivanoff, B. A. (Moscow): Possibilities of the PC in Dealing with the Sources on Nepalese History.
Kazakoff, B. (Bukhara): The Experience of Formalization of the Historical Documents’ Regasts (the Collection of Bukhara’s National Library).
Nastich, V. N. (Moscow): Middle Asian Sepulchral Epigraphical Monuments in Arabic (Sepulchral Kairaks).
Pichikjan,I.R.(Moscow): The PC in Dealing with the Oxus Temples’s Votive Inventory.
Rezvan, E. A. and I. G. Tikhonova (St.Petersburg): The Databases on Manuscript Depositories: The Problems and Perspectives (the beginning of the Program).
Rogozhin, N. M. (Moscow): Posolski Books as a Source in the Study of the Political Relations of Russia with the Peoples of the Countries of the Orient.
Stoljaroff, A. A. (Moscow): Possibilities of the PC in Dealing with North Indian Medieval Acts.
Vasiliev, D. D. (Moscow): Runic Epigraphical Monuments of South Siberia (Particularly the Sajan-Altai Region).
Vertogradova, V. V., D. N. Leljukhin, A. A. Stoljaroff, and Yu. Ja. Tzygankoff (Moscow): The Multipurpose Bibliographical Database of All-Indian Inscriptions.
Beisembiev, T. K. (Alma-Ata): The Historical Texts of Kokand of XIX-XXth C.
Gorjaeva, L. V. (Moscow): Malay Medieval Literary Monuments.
Kochneff, B.D. (Samarkand): Middle-Asian Numismatics of the VIII-XIIIth C.
Kullanda, S. V.: Possibilities for the Creation of the Database on Indonesian Material.
Kumekoff, B. E. (AlmaAta): The Kypchaks of the VIII-XIVth C. in Arabic, Persian and Turkic Sources.
Kurpalidis, G. M. (Moscow): Multi-level Research of the Sources on the History and Culture of the Near and Middle East (X-XIXth C.)
Luzhetskaya, N. L. (St. Petersburg): The Database on Afghan History.
NabijanTursun (Urumchi): The PC Database on Ancient and Medieval History of the Uighurs prior to Xlllth C.)
Ter-Mkrtichan, L. Ch. (Moscow): Armenian Sources of V-XVIIIth C. on Middle Asia and Palestine.
Zagorodnikova, T. N. (Moscow): The PC in Dealing with the Archival Documents on the History of Russian-Indian Relations.