Tongerloo, Aloïs van (July 13, 1952 – February 25, 2022)
- 23rd Meeting, 1980
- 27th Meeting, 1984: Number Symbolism in the Central Asian Manichaean Texts
- 34th Meeting, 1991: Title of presentation: “The concept of sovereignty in the Manichean Central Asian texts”; title of contribution to Proceedings: Manichaean Religion and the Concept of Sovereignty among the Uighurs
- 35th Meeting, 1992: The Nature of the Manichean Uighur Technical Terminology
- 36th Meeting, 1993: Надписи в Манихейском уйгурском монастырском документе
- 37th Meeting, 1994: Notices terminologiques sur le panthéon manichéen ouïgour
- 38th Meeting, 1995: Saviour and Healer in the Old Uighur Religious Documents
- 39th Meeting, 1996: Buddhist personal names of (Buddhist) Indian origin in the Manichaean Old Uighur documents
- 41st Meeting, 1998:
- 43rd Meeting, 2000: Co-editor of Proceedings.
- 45th Meeting, 2002