Unknown Treasures of the Altaic World in Libraries, Archives and Museums. 53rd Annual Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS, St. Petersburg, July 25 – 30, 2010. Edited by Tatiana Pang, Simone-Christiane Raschmann, Gerd Winkelhane. (Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 2013). 414 pp. ISBN: 978-3-87997-409-2 (Studien zur Sprache, Geschichte und Kultur der Türkvölker, 13).
Table of Contents
Barbara Kellner-Heinkele: Remembering Denis Sinor 8–10
Preface by Tatiana Pang 11–17
I. Collections, Archives, Archaeology
Elena Boykova: Materials on Mongolia in “The Khmyrov Collection” 19–26
Olga Dyakova: The Tungus-Manchus: an Ethnic History and Ethnic Genesis in Archaeological and Ethnographic Retrospectives 27–35
Albina Girfanova: Linguistic and Ethnographic Materials of E. R. Schneider in the Archives of St. Petersburg 36–41
Irina Kulganek: The Mongolian Aphorism in the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg) 42–45
Maria Menshikova: The Unknown Portrait of a Member of the Qing Imperial Family in the Hermitage Collection, St. Petersburg 46–51
Tatsuo Nakami: A Forgotten Mongolian Manuscript of the Erdeni-yin tobči: Wang Guojin and Lobsangčoyidan 52–57
Dmitry A. Nosov: Description of Mongolian Folktales Kept in the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg) 58–61
Tatiana Pang: A Manchu Imperial Patent from the Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences 62–66
Nikolai Pchelin/Maria Rudova: The Problems of Portrait Painting in Central Asian Art 67–80
Maria Petrova: About One Manuscript by D. Ravjaa 81–84
Rodica Pop: Mongγol uran zokijal-un degezi zaγun bilig orusibai, an Invaluable Treasure by Its Concept, History and Destiny 85–92
Simone-Christiane Raschmann: The Pre-eminent Sūtra. New Traces of the Altun Yaruk Sudur 93–113
Johannes Reckel: The Special Collection of Altaic Literature in the State and University Library Göttingen 114–117
Klaus Sagaster: The International Archive of Oral Folk Literature at the Northrhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Arts in Düsseldorf/Germany 118–124
Sarolta Tatár: Images of the Goddess Tārā in a Private Hungarian Collection 125–137
Erika Taube: Archaeological Finds Reflecting Folklore-Motifs from Central Asian Traditions 138–148
Edward Tryjarski: The Buriat Buddhism in Agaton Giller’s Memoirs 149–169
Hartmut Walravens: The Meritorious Officers Revisited: The Portrait of Cemcukjab 170–176
Natalia S. Yakhontova: New Arrivals to the Mongolian Collection at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences 177–180
Peter Zieme: A Brāhmaṇa Painting from Bäzäklik in the Hermitage of St. Petersburg and Its Inscriptions 181–195
II. Historiography
Bekİr Denİz: An Insufficiently Known Structure in the Çu Basin (Kazakhstan): Ak Kesene 197–212
Mihály Dobrovits: Some Remarks on the Oghuz Kaghan Epics 213–218
Bair S. Dugarov: “Namtar” by Milaraiba in Buryatia 219–225
Hülya Kasapoğlu Çengel: Legal Documents in Armeno-Kipchak and Töre Bitigi (Code of Law) 226–235
Barbara Kellner-Heinkele: Green Knowledge. An Ottoman Manuscript on Horticulture 236–244
Henryk Jankowski: Karaim mejumas in Eupatoria 245–262
Giovanni Stary: The Mistery of Coloured Vapours as Good Omina of the Manchu Khan Nurhaci’s Empire-building 263–267
Fatma Ahsen Turan/Nermin Şaman Doğan: Cosmic Tree and Its Reflections on Anatolian Turkish Art 268–280
Victor Yakovlev: Looking for an Unknown Source of a Familiar Plot 281–291
III. Linguistics
Vladimir Alpatov: The Significance of S. A. Starostin’s Works for the Altaic Studies 293–302
Michael Balk: Consten’s Universal Dictionary (Hs or. Sim. 7264) 303–321
Oliver Corff: Some Remarks on the Editorial Status of the Beijing and London Mss of the Wu Ti Qingwenjian 322–328
Liliya M. Gorelova/Mariya N. Orlovskaya: The Proximity Between the Middle Mongol and Classical Manchu Languages as Typologically, Ethnohistorically and Areally Motivated 329–349
Leylâ Karahan: Grammar Books: One of the Oldest Resources of Anatolian and Rumelian Dialects 350–357
Elisabetta Ragagnin: Secluded in the Valleys of Kubsugul and Forgotten in Mongolian Libraries: The Uyghur-Uriankhay Language and Its Speakers 358–363
Alice Sárközi: The Dictionary of Sumatiratna 364–370
Yoshio Saitō: Terminative Case Suffix in Middle Mongol 371–375
Sechenchogt: A Comparative Analysis of the Altaic Nomenclature Related to the Five Main Livestock 376–383
Osman F. Sertkaya: Zu den Namen türkischer Christen in verlorengegangenen altuigurischen Urkunden 384–395
Litip Tohti: On the Syntactic Status of the Uyghur Functional Category K (Case) 396–414