Proceedings 1990

Altaic Religious Beliefs and Practices. Proceedings of the 33rd Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference, Budapest June 24-29, 1990. Edited by Géza Bethlenfalvy, Ágnes Birtalan, Alice Sárközi, Judit Vinkovics. (Research Group for Altaic Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences / Department of Inner Asian Studies, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 1992).


Aubin, F. (1995). [Review of Altaic Religious Beliefs and Practices. Proceedings of the 33rd Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference, Budapest, June 24-29, 1990, by G. Bethlenfalvy, A. Birtalan, A. Sárkösi, & J. Vinkovics]. Archives de Sciences Sociales Des Religions, 40(92), 94–95.

(From the General Report:

This volume contains most of the texts presented at the Meeting, though some of the papers had not been received by the publication deadline.
No attempt has been made to unify the transcription of foreign words or the presentation of bibliographical references.)


List of Contents

Klára Agyagási: An Old Russian Loan-Word in the Volga Turkic Languages 1–13
V. M. Alpatov: Are the Altaic Languages Agglutinative?    15–18
Agata Bareja: A Preliminary Note on “Čiqula kereglegči” a Mongolian treatise on Buddhism    19–23
Armin Bassarak: Grammatikalisierungsphänomene im Türkischen und Ungarischen    25–30
Sh. Bira: The “Mongɣol-un Niɣuča Tobčiyan” and the Legend and Folktale Contacts of Nomadic People    31–35
Ágnes Birtalan: On Some Mongolian Loanwords in Nogai    37–40
Bernt Brendemoen: Some Remarks on the Vowel Harmony in a Religious Dialect Text from Trabzon    41–57
Krystyna Chabros: An East Mongolian Ritual for Children    59–63
Hok-lam Chan: The Demise of Yüan Rule in Mongolian and Chinese Legends    65–82
Han-Woo Choi: On the Turkic Shamanic Word Bögü    83–87
Nurettin Demir: Zur Verwendung der Hilfsverbverbindung -ip dur- in einem anatolischen Dialekt    89–95
Gerhard Doerfer: Zum sogenannten Akkusativ vor Postpositionen    97–101
Michael R. Drompp: A Note on Interpreters of Turkic Languages in Late T‘ang China    103–109
Jusif Dzafarov: On the Christianization of Caucasian Huns in Connection with the Zahariya of Mytilene’s Chronicle    111–115
Имре Дьяармати: Названия планеты «Венера» в тюркских языках    117–129
Kemal Eraslan: Die türkisch-mongolischen Verwandschaftsbeziehungen nach „Oğuz-Nâme”    131–134
Ottó Farkas: On the Footwear of the Altai Torguts    135–139
N. S. Gadžieva: Zu den Prinzipien der Zusammenstellung von historischen Grammatiken türkischer Sprachen    141–145
М. В. Горелик: Монгольская традиция в ильханидской миниатюре Ирана    147–150, two ill. w/o pagination
Tuncer Gülensoy: Evaluation of Some Phonetic and Morphologic Properties in Eastern Anatolian Dialects from the Point of View of Altaistic Languages    151–156
Emine Gürsoy Naskali: Kutadgu Bilig: Clauson‘s Observations on the Origin of Extant MSS    157–160
Ф. Г. Хисамитдинова: Субстратная топонимия бассейна реки Агидель    161–173
Harumichi Ishizuka: Altaistic Devices for Reading Chinese Texts    175–177, six ill. w/o pagination
Henryk Jankowski: On Crimean Tatar Toponymy    179–182, four maps w/o pagination
Lars Johanson: Zur Isochronie im Türkischen    183–188
G. Kara: On Some “Altaic” Long Vowels    189–192
Gülnar Kendirbaeva: The Specific Nature and Pecularities of the Manifestation of Folklorism in Kazakhstan    193–195
A. M. Khazanov: World Religions in the Eurasian Steppes: Some Regularities of Dissemination    197–201
S. G. Klyashtorny: Ancient Turkic Ethnical and Political Unions and Their Role in the Turkic Ethnogenesis    203–206
Zeynep Korkmaz: Manche denominate Verbbildungen und ihre ursprünglichen Strukturen    207–214
E. E. Kuzmina: The Evolution of Cultural Ties Between the Finno-Ugrians and the Indo-Iranians    215–220
Ruth I. Meserve: Natural Calamities    221–227
Roy Andrew Miller: Turkic qut, Korean kut: Problems of an Altaic Comparison Revisited    229–238
Junkо Miyawaki: Background of the Volga-Kalmyk Khanship. The Case of Ayouki Khan of the Torguts    239–243, one ill. w/o pagination
Монгуш: Проблемы изучения ламаизмМонгуша в Туве    245–255
Irene A. Muravyova: Unmarked Noun Form in Turkic Languages: A Typological Point of View    257–261
Hiroki Oka: Political Role of the Buddhist Church of Qalq-a Mongolia in the Mid-Eighteenth Century    263–266
Hidehiro Okada: The Yüan Seal in the Manchu Hands: The Source of the Ch‘ing Legitimacy    267–270
Б. Орузбаева: Кыргызско-алтайские параллели в поверьях и табу    271–277
Tatiana A. Pang: Manchu Wedding Ceremony    279–282
Vera I. Podlesskaya: Complex Sentences in Altaic Languages: Some General Typological Features    283–285
Alessandra Pozzi: Habits and Traditions among the Sibe People    287–290
Saim Sakaoğlu: From Belief to Legend: Two Gravestones in the Kumuks and Two Statues in Anatolian Turkey    291–294
Klára Sándor: Some Graphotactical Correspondencies of the Szdkely and Eastern Turkic Runic Script    295–299, two tables w/o pagination
Denis Sinor: Taking and Oath Over a Dog Cut in Two    301–307
David Sneath: The Obo Ceremony in Inner Mongolia: Cultural Meaning and Social Practice    309–318
Giovanni Stary: Das „Schamanenbuch” des sibe-mandschurischen Nara-Clans    319–329
Heidi Stein: Zum usbekischen Nasreddin-Repertoire    331–335
Mária Magdolna Tatár: Human Sacrifices in the Altay-Sayan Area: The Duck and its People    337–344
Erika Taube: Sardaqban in den Überlieferungen der Tuwiner im Altai    345–353
Andreas Tietze: Observations Concerning Turkish Nominal Sentences    355-360
József Torma: Magic and Name-giving among the Bashkir    361–369
Вадим В. Трепавлов: Образ нева и каганская власть и кочевников центральной Азии    371–377
Edward Tryjarski: Some Presumable Protobulgarian Rings, Their Signs and Ornamental Motifs    379–387, 21 figures on 4 pages w/o pagination
Fikret Türkmen: De la naissance à la mort: sur quelques croyances anatoliennes    389–393
Käthe Uray-Kőhalmi: Nimŋakan: über die Jenseitsvorstellungen der Tungusen    395–399
Hans-Peter Vietze: Frauengestalten in juristischen Präzedenzfällen der Mongolei des 19. Jahrhunderts    401–404
Hartmut Walravens: Mandjurica Curiosa    405–407
Yuan-Xin Wang: Some Problems Related to Turkish Language Researches in China    409–415