- 45th Meeting, 2002: “Yiyu (Beilu yiyu 北虜譯語) – A Middle Mongolian Dictionary of the Dengtan Bijiu (登墰必究)”
- 46th Meeting, 2003: “Subject Markers in Mongolian. Myth or Truth?”
- 58th Meeting, 2015: Some entries of the Hua Yi yiyu revisited
- 59th Meeting, 2016: “The Original Entries of the Yibu (LLSL)“
- 60th Meeting, 2017: (President) “Prologue to the 60th Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference“
- 61st Meeting, 2018: The perspectives for PIAC on its sixtieth anniversary
- 62nd Meeting, 2019: “Two little known Hua-Yi yiyu manuscripts“
- 64th Meeting, 2022: (President) The First Century of Hungarian Khitanology
- 65th Meeting, 2023: Forgotten Manuscripts and Other Sino-Barbarica from Louis Ligeti’s Unpublished Works
- 66th Meeting 2024: Corrigenda to earlier reconstructions of Middle Mongolian data from Sino-Mongolian glossaries
- Ideas behind symbols – languages behind scripts. Proceedings of the 60th Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference (PIAC) August 27 – September 1, 2017 Székesfehérvár, Hungary. Edited by Ákos Bertalan Apatóczky. ISBN: 978 963 306 663 8 (printed), ISBN: 978-963-306-664-5 (pdf)
- “Permanent International Altaistic Conference 60 (2017. augusztus 27. – szeptember 1., Székesfehérvár).” Távol-keleti Tanulmányok 2017/2: 211–214
- “Report on the 60th Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference, August 27–September 1, 2017, Székesfehérvár, Hungary“. Turkic Languages 22(2018), pp. 138–142.