Proceedings 1975

Aspects of Altaic Civilization II. Proceedings of the XVIII PIAC, Bloomington, June 29-July 5, 1975. Edited by Larry V. Clark and Paul Alexander Draghi. Indiana University Uralic and Altaic Series vol. 134 (1978), 212 pp. Reprinted by Curzon Press, London.


Preface 7

List of Participants 9–10

John Andrew Boyle, Manchester: The Old Man in the Trunk: The Greek Origin of a Theme in the Oghuz nāma 11–15

Yuri Bregel, Jerusalem: The Tawārīkh-i Khorazmshāhīya by Thanā’ī: The Historiography of Khiva and the Uzbek Literary Language 17–32

Larry V. Clark, Bloomington: The Theme of Revenge in the Secret History of the Mongols 33–57

Robert Dankoff, Tucson: Middle Turkic Vulgarisms 59–64

Paul Hyer, Provo: Mongolian Stereotypes and Images: Some Introductory Observations 65–80

Fujiko Isono, Paris: A Few Reflections on the Anda Relationship 81–87

Sechin Jagchid, Provo: Traditional Mongolian Attitudes and Values As Seen in the Secret History of the Mongols and the Altan Tobči 89–114

Abdūlkadir Karahan, Istanbul: An Outline of Cultural Relations Existing Among Turkey, Iran and Pakistan 115–125

Owen Lattimore, Paris: Honour and Loyalty: The Case of Temüjin and Jamukha 127–138

Alo Raun, Bloomington: Remarks Concerning Emotive Meaning 139–144

Alice Sárközi, Budapest: Love and Friendship in the Secret History of the Mongols 145–154

Edmond Schütz, Budapest: Tetal in Chapter 50 of the Chronicle of Sebeos 155–169

Denis Sinor, Bloomington: The Greed of the Northern Barbarian 171–182

M. V. Sofronov, Moscow: Decipherment and Study of Tangut 183–200

Edward Tryjarski, Warsaw: Interjections in Some Languages of Western Turkic (Codex Cumanicus, Arabo-Kipchak, Armeno-Kipchak, Karaim, and Kazan Tatar) 201–212