11th Meeting Hørsholm, 1968


It was in the beautiful surroundings of the charming Dan­ish town of Hørsholm that the PIAC had its eleventh meeting, from June 2 to June 6, 1968. The President was Dr. Iben Meyer. Her charm and efficient kindness were important factors in the success of this Conference. The gentle beauty of the Danish countryside, the generously dispensed Products of Danish haute-cuisine contributed in no small extent to making this Conference one of the gayest we have had since the pioneering days in the vineyards of the Rhine valley.

The following “formal” papers were read:

  • A. von Gabain, Hamburg: Historisches aus alttürkischen Handschriften.
  • A. N. Baskakov, Moscow; Origin of some verbal forms common to Turkic and Mongolian languages.
  • G. Bayerle, Indiana University: Toward a Classifica­tion of Ottoman tapu-registers.
  • V.I. Cincius, Leningrad: K etimologii slova “rebenok” v tunguso-man’chzhurskikh jazykakh.
  • D. Sinor, Indiana University: Altaische Wörter in einer englischen Reisebeschreibung des 18. Jahrhunderts.
  • Sir Gerard Clauson, London: The origin of the Turkish Runic Alphabet.
  • S. Elçin, Ankara: Récits en prose, livresques et réalistes d’Istanbul.
  • A. Róna-Tas, Budapest: Some Problems of Ancient Turkic.
  • J. Matuz, Freiburg: Altan Chan und die Qalmaq in der Chronik des Seyfi Celebi.
  • H. -P. Vietze, Berlin: Kybernetik und Altaistik.
  • G. Hazai, Berlin: Zu einigen Fragen der Bearbeitung türkischer Sprachdenkmäler.
  • I. Cirtautas, Indiana University: Abdulla Qahhor zum Gedächtnis.
  • G. Bethlenfalvy, Budapest: Die Aussprache des Tibetischen bei den Khalkha-Mongolen.
  • L. Lörincz, Budapest: Übergangskategorien zwischen den Heldenliedern und den Heldenmärchen.
  • A. J. Boyle, Manchester: The Burial Place of the Great Khan Ogedei.
  • L. Bese, Budapest: Remarks on Middle Mongolian Conjugation.
  • O. Pritsak, Harvard: Khazarian Hap Baliq.
  • B. Ögel, Ankara: Some remarks on the origin of the royal tribe of Kök-Turks.
  • W. Heissig, Bonn: Volkskundliche Beschreibung des mongolischen Brauchtums.

The papers will be published in a forthcoming issue of the Acta Orientalia.

At the Business Meeting, the following resolution was adopted:

The members of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference, assembled for their eleventh meeting at Hørsholmhøjskole, wish to express to the Danish Ministry of Education their deep gratitude for the admirable arrangements made for their comfort and entertainment during their meeting. Carlsberg Breweries have graciously provided beer, and the University of Copenhagen is to be thanked for the excellent wine. To these institutions as well goes the PIAC’s gratitude.

They also wish to express to their President, Dr. Iben Meyer, their cordial thanks for her efficiency as well as for her personal charm, kindness, and patient firmness with which she conducted their proceedings.

Proposed from the floor by Dr. B. Hayit:

Für seine besonderen Bemühungen und opferwillige Tätigkeit zum Erfolg der Konferenz dankt die 11. Versammlung der PIAC dem Generalsekretär aufs herzlichste.

The resolution was carried unanimously.

(Source: Permanent International Altaistic Conference Newsletter No. 3, September 1968, pp. 4–5)

Edmond Schütz wrote a detailed report on this meeting, briefly discussing the key points of most of the above-mentioned papers.