Proceedings 1992

Proceedings of the 35th Permanent International Conference. Edited by Chieh-hsien Chen. (National Taiwan University, 1993). 581 pp. ISBN 957-8528–09-4.


Stary, G. (1995). [Review of Proceedings of the 35th Permanent International Altaistic Conference, September 12-17, 1992, Taipei, China, by Center for Chinese Studies Materials, United Daily New Cultural Foundation & C. Chieh-hsien]. Central Asiatic Journal, 39(2), 310–312.


Preface    I
Program    III-IX
Brief Minutes of the Business Meeting    XI

Part I

Birtalan Ágnes: Scapulimancy and Purifying Ceremony    1–10
Klára Agyagási: Why Could the Forefathers of Chuvashes Escape Assimilation to Kipchaks?    11–15
V. M. Alpatov: Japanese as a Hybrid Altaic-Chinese Language 17–20
Elena V. Boikova: Cultural Orientation of Mongolia After the  Revolution of 1921 21–25
Xénia Celnarová: Some Remarks on the Prosody of Yunus Emre 27–32
Ch‘en, Chieh-hsien: Analysis of the Reasons of Manchu Emperor Hong Taiji’s Restriction of Shamanism    33–40
Ch‘en, Kuo-tung: The Wanggiyan Clan of the Imperial Household Department 41–51
Choi, Han-Woo: Some Notes on Mao-tun (Qarator) and Qara Bodon 53–58
Chuang, Chi-fa: A Study of the Ch‘ing Dynasty Manchu Translation of the Tah Tsang Ching    59–71
Florin Deleanu: Mindfulness of Breathing in the Dhyāna Sūtras    73–83
Fred W. Drake: The Mukden Palace and Nurhaci’s Tomb as Symbolic Architecture    85–95
Fung, Ming-chu: The Sino-British Negotiations on Tibet and the Political Situation in Tibet in Modern China – From the Gurkha War to the Washington Conference    97–126
Liliya M. Gorelova: The Sibe and Various Forms of Their Language    127–132
Han, Sherman: Poems by Akdun on His Journeys to Mongolia and Xinjiang    133–141
Harnod, Hakanchulu: The Mongols and Jih Jou Island From Harabang    143–152
Higuchi, Koichi: The Bhadracaryāpraṇidhānarāja in Mongolian    153–167
Richard W. Howell: Language Standardization Versus Social Identity    169–173
Mária Ivanics: Die Beglaubigungsmittel der krimtatatarischen Urkunden    175–182
Kanda, Nobuo: Correspondence Between Hong Taiji and Mao Wen-lung    183–188
Kato, Naoto: The Accession to the Throne of Yung-cheng and Lobdzang Danǰin’s Rebellion    189–192
Kawachi, Yoshihiro: Ming Dynasty Sable Trade in Northeast Asia    193–197
Kim, Ho-dong: The Cult of Saints in Eastern Turkestan – The Case of Alp Ata in Turfan    199–226
Koyama, Koichiro: The Will of Murad II    227–231
Kuang, Ting-yuan and Chang, Hwa-ker: Studies on the Development of Usage of Computer’s Desk-Top Publishing Technique to Process Manchu Scripts    233–245
Lam, Yuan-chu: Notions Behind Reconciliatorv Attempts in the Hung-wu Period of Ming China    247–259
Lau, Nap-yin: Why Did the Liao Invade in 1004? – A Strategic Analysis of the Shan-Yuan Accord    261–300
Mano, Eiji: The Original Title of the Memoirs of Bābur    301–319
Matsumura, Jun: On the Founding Legend of the Ch‘ing Dynasty    321–342
Erling v. Mende: A Manchu Contribution to Chinese Agriculture?    343–348
Ruth I. Meserve: The Bactrian Camel: Two Mongolian Manuscripts in the Royal Library, Copenhagen    349–359
Miyawaki, Junko: The Nomadic Kingship Based on Marital Alliances: The Case of the 17th-18th Century Oyirad    361–369
Nakami, Tatsuo: Japanese Researchers’ Search for Ch‘ing-Manchu Sources in the Early Twentieth Century    371–375
Okada, Hidehiro: The Mongolian Literary Tradition in Early Manchu Culture    377–386
Pang, Tatjana A.: New Evidence About Shaman Practices Among the Sibe-Manchu People in Xinjiang    387–397
Phan, Van Cac: Documents Vietnamiens écrits en Sino-Nom sur les relations entre l’Etat “Grand Viet” et l’Empire Yuan-Mongol au 13ème siècle    399–403
Alessandra Pozzi: Two Divinities in the Sibe World: Siri Mama and Hairkan Mafa    405–415
Jean Richard: La Relatio de Davide: une source de l’histoire des Mongols    417–429
Alice Sárkőzi: Burial of a Dog    431–436
Shimada, Masao: Studies in the Effectivity of the Ch‘ing Mongol Laws    437–441
Shimo, Hirotoshi: The Central Organization of Il-Khanate Governments    443–446
Denis Sinor: The Custom of Scalping in Inner Asia    447–452
Giovanni Stary: Recurring Elements in Manchu Shaman Prayers    453–461
Tsolmon, Dawaagyn: Mongol Studies and Altaistic Studies    463–467
Hans-Peter Vietze: Blo Bzan Bstan ’Jin Güüši’s Rhymes    469–476
Hartmut Walravens: The Current Situation of the Manchu Collection of the Berlin State Library    477–504

Part II

王德毅:金與高麗的關係    505–516
阮廷焯:若干契丹大字之解讀    517–524
趙令揚:帖木兒之死及明初之邊防    525–532
劉耿生:從漢藏檔案看藏傳佛教在厄魯特各部之確立    533–542
劉鳳翥:契丹小字解讀四探    543–567
賴洪波:伊犁錫伯族抗同化條件的初步硏究    569–581