Altaistic Studies. Papers Presented at the 25th Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference at Uppsala June 7-11, 1982. Edited by Gunnar Jarring and Steffan Rosén. Published as vol. 12 in the series Konferenser of the Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien (Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1982).
List of Contents
İlhan Başgöz: The Name and Society: A Case Study of Personal Names in Turkey 1–14
James Bosson: It’s Springtime for ’Phags-pa! 15–19
Sadettin Buluç: Ober einige phonetische and morphologische Besonderheiten der anatolischen Mundarten 21–22
Chieh-hsien Ch’en: Manchu Agriculture During the Period of Nurhaci and Hong Taiji 23–28
Ching-lung Chen: A Study of Turkic Weapons 29–35
Emel Esin: On the Relationship between the Iconography in Muslim Uyġur Manuscripts and Buddhist Uyġur Eschatology 37–52
Hans-Wilhelm Haussig: Das Weiterleben des skythischen Weltbildes bei den altaischen Völkern 53–62
Fahir İz: Atatürk and Turkish Language Reform 63–72
Juha Janhunen: The Tungus Peoples and the Conquest of Siberia 73–77
J. Matuz: Was tut der uigurische Rabe? 79–80
Karl H. Menges: The Ewenki-Tungus Dialect of the Kemčük River, a Dialect on the Verge of its Extinction 81–92
Roy Andrew Miller: IE *ser-p- ‘sickle; hook’ in Altaic 93–121
Ane H. Nauta: Lambdazismus im Tschuwassischen: Gtü. š = Tschuw. l and ś. 123–144
Denis Sinor: Some Components of the Civilization of the Turks (6th to 8th century A. D.) 145–159
Giovanni Stary: Der Mandschukaiser „Abahai”, Ein Versuch zur Klärung einer Namensmystifikation 161–164
Magdalena Tatár: Tragic and Stranger Ongons among the Altaic Peoples 165–171
Edward Tryjarski: Towards a Better Knowledge of the Turkic Military Terminology 173–184
Hans-Peter Vietze: Probleme der Umschreibung mongolischen Sprachmaterials 185–189
Mary Frances Weidlich: The Element -логи Versus судлал, зүй in Modern Mongolian 191–196
lstván Zimonyi: The first Mongol Raid Against the Volga-Bulgars 197–204