Proceedings of the 20th Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference at Leiden 1977. Ed. by A. H. Nauta. Published as Central Asiatic Journal, Vol. XXIII (1979), No.3-4.
A. Dubiński: Karaimische Handschriften in polnischen Sammlungen 147–150
M. Erdal: The chronological Classification of Old Turkish texts 151–175
W. Hesche, W.-D. Hildebrandt, A. Thermann: Das Moɣolî in Badachschan (Afghanistan) 176–236
O. Lattimore: A Mongol legend of the founding of Peking 237–239
E. Moerloose: The way of vision (Darśanamārga) in the Tocharian and old Turkish versions of the Maitreyasamiṭinātaka 240–249
H. Okada: How Hong Taiji came to the throne 250–259
K. Sagaster: Über eine Sammlung von Materialien zur Volkskunde der Tschachar-Mongolen 260–270
A. Sárközi: Precious message from heaven. A Mongolian prophetic book of Chinese origin 271–278
H. Scheinhardt: Über einige Fragen bei der syntaktischen Klassifikation turksprachlicher Ortsnamen 279–287
O. Sertkaya: The first line of the Tonyukuk monument 288–292
T. Sibata: Some syntactic similarities between Turkish, Korean, and Japanese 293–296
E. Tryjarski: The dog in the Turkic area: An ethnolinguistic study 297–319
M. F. Weidlich: The status of the loan word археологи in modern Mongolian 320–322