Aspects of Altaic Civilization. Edited by Denis Sinor. Indiana University Uralic and Altaic Series vol. 23 (1963), 263 pp. Reprinted by Curzon Press, London.
The fifth Meeting took place from June 4 to 9, 1962 in Bloomington/Indiana.
This is the first time that an attempt has been made to embody in a volume at least some of the results achieved in the course of a meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference.
The papers submitted for publication have been grouped according to the topics which had been previously decided upon at the 4th meeting of the PIAC (cf. p. 3).
Never before in the history of the PIAC has there been insufficient time for each participant to bring his own contribution to the topics tinder discussion, but last June we were faced with a scholastic embarras de richesse. So many papers were offered that it became necessary to exercise considerable selection regarding those that were to be read during the few days of the Conference. In these circumstances, the senior American scholars courteously resolved to limit their participation to the discussions raised by the communications of their foreign colleagues who had travelled such great distances to be able to attend. In consequence, this volume is incomplete in its record of the discussions which followed each individual communication, and, furthermore, takes little account of the American contribution in this field, to which the recent collection, American Studies in Altaic Linguistics, published in this same series (Uralic and Altaic Series, Vol. No. 13) gives ample testimony.
Unfortunately, not all the participants could send me their papers in a form ready for publication. Particularly regrettable is the absence of Professor Hattori’s very detailed report on the Japanese contribution to Altaic Studies. On the other hand, I have included the article submitted to the Conference by Dr. Róna-Tas, who was himself unable to be present at the actual meeting.
For various reasons, such as the absence of many contributors on foreign travel from their home university, this volume has necessarily been prepared in considerable haste. I wish to acknowledge my gratitude to the many people who have helped me in the hectic preparation of the final manuscript, especially Mr. David Francis, Mrs. Deirdre Nizinska, and Mrs. Donna Lorey.
Finally I would thank Professor Thomas A. Sebeok, who has helped me in many ways, for allowing this volume to be included in the Uralic and Altaic Series.
Denis Sinor
Table of Contents
Introducing PIAC 1–3
The Fifth Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference 5–14
A. The Dwelling of the Altaic Peoples
Schuyler Cammann: Mongol Dwellings — With Special Reference to Inner Mongolia 17–22
Károly Czeglédy: Šarkel, An Ancient Turkish Word for “House” 23–31
Marianne Esztergár: Words Pertaining to Housing and Dwelling in the Altaic Languages 33–43
Annemarie v. Gabain: Notes on the Dwellings of the Altaic Peoples The Uiɣur Kingdom of Khocho (850 – 1250) 45–46
A. Róna-Tas: Preliminary Report on a Study of the Dwellings of the Altaic Peoples 47–56
B. Forms of Cultural and Musical Expression Among the Altaic Peoples
Pentti Aalto: The Music of the Mongols: An Introduction 59–65
Pentti Aalto: Ausdrucksformen in Kalmückischen Liedern 67–74
Charles Bawden: The Mongol “Conversation Song” 75–86
Alessio Bombaci: On Ancient Turkish Dramatic Performances 87–117
Janos Eckmann: A Contest in Verse Between Stringed Instruments from the Chagatay Literature of the 15th Century 119–121
Klaus Sagaster: Zum Tibetisch-Mongolischen Buch- und Bibliothekswesen (Diskussionsmaterial) 123–136
C. The Diffusion of Writing in the Altaic World
Sir Gerard Clauson: The Diffusion of Writing in the Altaic World 139–144
Edmond Schütz: Notes on the Armeno-Kipčak Script and its Historical Background 145–154
D. Dress and Ornament in the Altaic World
Schuyler Cammann: Mongol Costume — Historical and Recent 157–166
Walter Fuchs: Einige Beobachtungen zu Volkstrachten der Türken und Mongolen im 18. Jahrhundert (Resümee) 167–169
Annemarie v. Gabain: Notes on Dress and Ornament — the Uiɣur Kingdom of Khocho 171–174
E. Various Aspects of Altaic Civilization — Contacts with Other Civilizations
R. Rahmeti Arat: Über die Orientations-Bezeichnungen im Türkischen 177–195
Karl Jahn: Study on Supplementary Persian Sources for the Mongol History of Iran 197–204
Ulla Johansen: The Cradle and Hearth as Sources for the Cultural History of Altaic Peoples 205–218
Dorothy Libby: Some Reflections on Cultural Relationships between Paleo-Asiatic and Uralic-Altaic Peoples 219–225
Shichirō Murayama: Über einige Japanische Kulturwörter Altaischen Ursprungs 227–233
Karl Thomsen: Zwei Türkisch-Mongolische Korrespondenzreihen 235–237
Werner Winter: Tocharians and Turks 239–251
Nobuo Yamada: The Private Seal and Mark on the Uiɣur Documents 253–259
Ananiasz Zajączkowski: Sur quelques termes turcs des modes d’orientation d’après un monument littéraire de la Horde d’Or 261–263