(Aus: pp. XIII–XIV, Religious and Lay Symbolism in the Altaic World and Other Papers. Edited by Klaus Sagaster in collaboration with Helmut Eimer. Asiatische Forschungen, vol. 105, (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1989), 450 pp. ISBN 3-447-02775-4.)
Resolution, unanimously passed at the Business Meeting on June 15th, 1984
Members of the 27th PIAC assembled in June 1984 in the Dominikanerkloster Walberberg wish to put on record their appreciation of and their gratitude for an exceptionally pleasant and fruitful gathering at which, while the eloquence of the participants was, perhaps, not on a par with that of the Friars Preachers’, their scholarship endeavored to approach that of St. Thomas Aquinas.
Yet scholarship cannot flourish without the wherewithal, the essential prerequisite of any scholarly gathering, such as the sinews of war, the hard work of the organizers, much good will, and the cooperation of all concerned.
Be it therefore resolved that
whereas, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen were willing to provide substantial financing help that clearly shows the recognition of the importance of Altaic studies, in general, and of the role played in them by the Seminar für Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft Zentralasiens of the University of Bonn in particular,
whereas, it is beyond doubt that such recognition is based on the national and international reputation of the aforementioned Institut, led by Professor Klaus Sagaster, under whose wise and competent presidency Altaic studies may long flourish in Bonn,
whereas, he was helped in his work by a fine cohort of collaborators, including the ladies Dr. Veit and Norbu, and the gentlemen Dr. Banck, Dagyab Rinpoche, Dr. Frank, Dr. Kämpfe, Dr. Kaschewsky, Professor Schuh, Verhufen, Zündorf,
whereas, Mr. Ronge’s efforts to teach and to entertain participants with a fine Tibetan exhibit was extremely successful,
now, therefore, be it resolved, that the heartful thanks of the PIAC be conveyed to all institutions and persons mentioned and also to those who might have been overlooked.
Finally: The Poor Clerk, upon whose frail shoulders the drafting of this resolution rested, could not forgo the pleasure of remembering those Friar Preachers who were among the first westerners to show interest in the Altaic world. If St. Dominic himself was prevented from fulfilling his dream of preaching to the Cumans, other Friars were the first to get in touch with them as well as with the Mongols, and Vincentius Bellovacensis O.P. has kept their memory alive for centuries to come. The meeting of the PIAC at a house of the Ordo Predicatoris is a welcome occasion to remember these forerunners. Our gratitude goes to those who follow the great tradition of public relations begun by St. Dominic. To our hosts, the Patres Reinald and Alfred, and to their helpful staff, specifically to Mrs. Grugel, we express our sincere thanks.
Dr. Denis Sinor, Distinguished Professor, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, U.S.A. Secretary General Permanent International Altaistic Conference