14th Meeting Szeged 1971, Programme


Section A

Historical Relations among the Altaic Languages

24th August, Tuesday

The Altaic Theory. Historical Phonology

8.30 Sunik, O. P. Gubnye soglasnye v altajskich jazykach
8.50 Sinor, D. Tunguz-Uralic relations
9.10 Róna-Tas, A. The Altaic theory and some Middle Mongolian words in Chuvash
9.30 Gadzieva, N. Z. Rolj altajskich jazykov pri rekontrukcii tjurkskich archetipov
9.50 Discussion
10.30 Tekin, T. Further evidence for zetacism and sigmatism
10.50 Murayama, Sh. Altaic components in Japanese
11.10 Cincius, V. I. O praaltajskoj sisteme soglasnych
11.30 Coyaud, M. Remarques sur les paires mongol-japonais
11.50 Discussion

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Lexicology, Morphology, Syntax

15.00 Clauson, G. The foreign elements in early Turkish
15.20 Tafradžijska, C. Značenie slova er “mužčina” i ego proizvodnych v altajskich jazykach
15.40 Scherner, B. Probleme arabischer and neupersischer Lehnwörter im Tatarischen
16.00 Muratov, S. N. Nekotorye voprosy zakonomernosti struktury kornja v altajskich jazykach
16.20 Musaev, K. M. O nekotorych nazvanijach rastenij v altajskich jazykach
16.40 Discussion
17.20 Bertagaev, T. A. Semanticeskie varianty odnokornevich slov v altajskich jazykach
17.40 Vietze, H. P. Die Bedeutung rückläufiger Wörterbücher für altaische Studien
18.00 Discussion
20.30 Reception given by the Rector of the University /Aula/

25th August, Wednesday

Turkic-Mongolian and Mongolian–Manchu-Tunguzian Relations

8.30 Sanžeev, G. D. Mongolovednaja rekonstrukcija tjurkizmov
8.50 Tretiakoff, A. Comparaison des lois de succession des voyelles en turc et en mongol
9.10 Discussion
9.50 Kenesbaev, S. K. Kazachsko-mongoljskie leksiceskie paralleli /na materiale terminov rodstva i naimenovanij castej tela/
10.10 Hovdhaugen, E. The Mongolian suffix -lig and its Turkish origin
10.30 Discussion

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15.00 Business Meeting /Aula/
17.00 Sight-seeing tour of Szeged. Organ concert in the Cathedral
Departure from the Central Building of the University
18.30 Solemn Session of the Kőrösi Csoma Society /Aula/

26th August, Thursday

Turkic, Mongolian and Manchu-Tunguzian Linguistic History

8.30 Schütz, Ö. Remarks on initial d- in the Kipchak languages
8.50 Fazylov, E .I. Trudy vostočnych filologov kak istočnik dlja istorii tjurkskich jazykov
9.10 Hrebicek, L. The phonetic structure of the first syllable in several Turkic languages
9.20 Discussion
10.10 Bodrogligeti, A. Old Anatolian features in Mameluk-Kipchak
10.10 Zieme, P. Ein uigurischer Text über die Wirtschaft manichäischer Kloster im uigurischen Reich
10.50 Meyer, I. Zur chinesisch-uigurischen Übersetzungsliteratur
11.10 Mártonfi, F. On some problems of Sino-Korean phonology
11.30 Discussion
12.10 Beffa, M.-L., Hamayon, R. Le nom verbal en mongol
12.30 Melles, K. Sur la langue et la littérature des Mandchous d’aujourd’hui
12.50 Discussion

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15.00 Ligeti, L. La théorie altaique et la lexico-statistique
15.30 Round-table Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Problems
20.00 Closing session

Section B

History and Ethnography of the Altaic Peoples

25th August, Wednesday
/Central Library/


Czeglédy, K. Notes on the Turkic Inscriptions
8.50 Szádeczky-Kardoss, S. Über die Wandlungen der Ostgrenze der awarischen Machtsphäre
9.10 Lipták, P. Historical relations of the Avars on the ground of paleoanthropological researches
9.30 Novgorodova, E. A. K voprosu ob êtno-kuljturnych vzaimo-otnosenijach plemen mongoljskogo Altaja
9.50 Discussion
10.30 Uray, G. Pferdefarben als Stammeskennzeichen
10.50 De Groot, A. H. Diplomatic relations between Holland and the Ottoman Empire 1600-1800
11.10 Isono, F. Dambiijantsan: folklore and history
11.30 Gökbilgin, T. Analyse d’un document original qui permet de donner un aperçu sur les dépenses variées du Sultan Bayezid II pendant l’expedition de Lepanto en 1499
11.50 Discussion
12.30 Cirtautas, I. Uzbek female folk-healers
12.50 Lot-Falk, E. Ütügen chez les Yakouts
13.10 Gongor, D. Socialjnoe značenie étnonima “xalxa”
13.30 Rättig, U. Zu einigen Besonderheiten beim Aufbau des Hochschulwesens in der MVR
13.50 Discussion

Section C

Turkish Studies

26th August, Thursday
/Central Library/

8.30 Tveritinova, A. S. Leksičeskij material kak istočnik dlja izučenija tradicij zemledelija u osmanskich turok
8.50 Matuz, J. Zur Sprache der Urkunden Süleymans des Prächtigen
9.10 Buluç, S. Irak türk ağızlarında geçen bazi fiil sekilleri üzerine
9.30 Mijatev, P. On some foreign influences in the literary language of the Turks of Bulgaria
9.50 Discussion
10.30 Koşay, H. Z. Türk dilinin en eski izleri
10.50 Lotz, J. The Turkish vowel system and phonological theory
11.10 Yüce, N. Einige auffällige Gerundialformen im Türkischen
11.30 Discussion

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N.A. Baskakov’s paper “O geneticeskoj obecnosti kategorij lica i ličnoj prinadleznosti v altajekich jazykach” will be read on 24th August, Tuesday, in the afternoon meeting.