Section A
Historical Relations among the Altaic Languages
24th August, Tuesday
The Altaic Theory. Historical Phonology
8.30 | Sunik, O. P. | Gubnye soglasnye v altajskich jazykach |
8.50 | Sinor, D. | Tunguz-Uralic relations |
9.10 | Róna-Tas, A. | The Altaic theory and some Middle Mongolian words in Chuvash |
9.30 | Gadzieva, N. Z. | Rolj altajskich jazykov pri rekontrukcii tjurkskich archetipov |
9.50 | Discussion | |
10.30 | Tekin, T. | Further evidence for zetacism and sigmatism |
10.50 | Murayama, Sh. | Altaic components in Japanese |
11.10 | Cincius, V. I. | O praaltajskoj sisteme soglasnych |
11.30 | Coyaud, M. | Remarques sur les paires mongol-japonais |
11.50 | Discussion |
* * *
Lexicology, Morphology, Syntax
15.00 | Clauson, G. | The foreign elements in early Turkish |
15.20 | Tafradžijska, C. | Značenie slova er “mužčina” i ego proizvodnych v altajskich jazykach |
15.40 | Scherner, B. | Probleme arabischer and neupersischer Lehnwörter im Tatarischen |
16.00 | Muratov, S. N. | Nekotorye voprosy zakonomernosti struktury kornja v altajskich jazykach |
16.20 | Musaev, K. M. | O nekotorych nazvanijach rastenij v altajskich jazykach |
16.40 | Discussion | |
17.20 | Bertagaev, T. A. | Semanticeskie varianty odnokornevich slov v altajskich jazykach |
17.40 | Vietze, H. P. | Die Bedeutung rückläufiger Wörterbücher für altaische Studien |
18.00 | Discussion | |
20.30 | Reception given by the Rector of the University /Aula/ |
25th August, Wednesday
Turkic-Mongolian and Mongolian–Manchu-Tunguzian Relations
8.30 | Sanžeev, G. D. | Mongolovednaja rekonstrukcija tjurkizmov |
8.50 | Tretiakoff, A. | Comparaison des lois de succession des voyelles en turc et en mongol |
9.10 | Discussion | |
9.50 | Kenesbaev, S. K. | Kazachsko-mongoljskie leksiceskie paralleli /na materiale terminov rodstva i naimenovanij castej tela/ |
10.10 | Hovdhaugen, E. | The Mongolian suffix -lig and its Turkish origin |
10.30 | Discussion |
* * *
15.00 | Business Meeting /Aula/ |
17.00 | Sight-seeing tour of Szeged. Organ concert in the Cathedral |
Departure from the Central Building of the University | |
18.30 | Solemn Session of the Kőrösi Csoma Society /Aula/ |
26th August, Thursday
Turkic, Mongolian and Manchu-Tunguzian Linguistic History
8.30 | Schütz, Ö. | Remarks on initial d- in the Kipchak languages |
8.50 | Fazylov, E .I. | Trudy vostočnych filologov kak istočnik dlja istorii tjurkskich jazykov |
9.10 | Hrebicek, L. | The phonetic structure of the first syllable in several Turkic languages |
9.20 | Discussion | |
10.10 | Bodrogligeti, A. | Old Anatolian features in Mameluk-Kipchak |
10.10 | Zieme, P. | Ein uigurischer Text über die Wirtschaft manichäischer Kloster im uigurischen Reich |
10.50 | Meyer, I. | Zur chinesisch-uigurischen Übersetzungsliteratur |
11.10 | Mártonfi, F. | On some problems of Sino-Korean phonology |
11.30 | Discussion | |
12.10 | Beffa, M.-L., Hamayon, R. | Le nom verbal en mongol |
12.30 | Melles, K. | Sur la langue et la littérature des Mandchous d’aujourd’hui |
12.50 | Discussion |
* * *
15.00 | Ligeti, L. | La théorie altaique et la lexico-statistique |
15.30 | Round-table Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Problems | |
20.00 | Closing session |
Section B
History and Ethnography of the Altaic Peoples
25th August, Wednesday
/Central Library/
8.30 |
Czeglédy, K. | Notes on the Turkic Inscriptions |
8.50 | Szádeczky-Kardoss, S. | Über die Wandlungen der Ostgrenze der awarischen Machtsphäre |
9.10 | Lipták, P. | Historical relations of the Avars on the ground of paleoanthropological researches |
9.30 | Novgorodova, E. A. | K voprosu ob êtno-kuljturnych vzaimo-otnosenijach plemen mongoljskogo Altaja |
9.50 | Discussion | |
10.30 | Uray, G. | Pferdefarben als Stammeskennzeichen |
10.50 | De Groot, A. H. | Diplomatic relations between Holland and the Ottoman Empire 1600-1800 |
11.10 | Isono, F. | Dambiijantsan: folklore and history |
11.30 | Gökbilgin, T. | Analyse d’un document original qui permet de donner un aperçu sur les dépenses variées du Sultan Bayezid II pendant l’expedition de Lepanto en 1499 |
11.50 | Discussion | |
12.30 | Cirtautas, I. | Uzbek female folk-healers |
12.50 | Lot-Falk, E. | Ütügen chez les Yakouts |
13.10 | Gongor, D. | Socialjnoe značenie étnonima “xalxa” |
13.30 | Rättig, U. | Zu einigen Besonderheiten beim Aufbau des Hochschulwesens in der MVR |
13.50 | Discussion |
Section C
Turkish Studies
26th August, Thursday
/Central Library/
8.30 | Tveritinova, A. S. | Leksičeskij material kak istočnik dlja izučenija tradicij zemledelija u osmanskich turok |
8.50 | Matuz, J. | Zur Sprache der Urkunden Süleymans des Prächtigen |
9.10 | Buluç, S. | Irak türk ağızlarında geçen bazi fiil sekilleri üzerine |
9.30 | Mijatev, P. | On some foreign influences in the literary language of the Turks of Bulgaria |
9.50 | Discussion | |
10.30 | Koşay, H. Z. | Türk dilinin en eski izleri |
10.50 | Lotz, J. | The Turkish vowel system and phonological theory |
11.10 | Yüce, N. | Einige auffällige Gerundialformen im Türkischen |
11.30 | Discussion |
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N.A. Baskakov’s paper “O geneticeskoj obecnosti kategorij lica i ličnoj prinadleznosti v altajekich jazykach” will be read on 24th August, Tuesday, in the afternoon meeting.