Status of Mongolian Personal Noun
(55th Meeting, 2012)
The study of status of Mongolian personal noun is closely connected with the study of the context of a proper name. In linguistics, the term “context” means an environment of the language unit: conditions and peculiarities of its use in the speech.
Proper names not only have deep cultural specificity, but also are in connection with perception of the world and in some way reflect its cognition. Personal nouns help to clarify the understanding of man’s place in society. The position of referent in society, his age, types of public formations, the size and type of society, the passport rules and life situations have a big influence on the forms of anthroponyms. Formation of personal nouns’ system is conditioned by the determining factors like etymology, fashion, phonetic surname (mong. ovog) and name (mong. ner) compatibility, prestige, claims to exclusivity, social status, etc.