Names of Hungarians in Qādïr ʿAlī beg’s ‘Compendium of Chronicles’ (1602)

Guldana Togabayeva

Names of Hungarians in Qādïr ʿAlī beg’s ‘Compendium of Chronicles’ (1602)

(64th Meeting Budapest, 2022)

The main topic of the research of this paper’s author is Jāmiʿ at-Tavārīḫ ‘Compendium of Chronicles’ written by Qādïr ʿAlī beg in 1602, whose subject is its linguistic processing. However, when studying the text of the ‘Compendium of Chronicles’, it was impossible to ignore the new data that this chronicle presents to ethnographic research. Therefore, it became the subject of the current paper. Such names of peoples as bāčqïr باچقر, bulār bāšġurd بولار باشغرد, keler bāšġurd کلار باشغرد, maǰār bāčqïr مجار باچقر, māǰār ماجار, nemeč نمچ, nemče نٓمچٓ, nemeč körel نمچ کورال, körel کورال, and their graphic interpretations appear in this source. A historical-comparative analysis with other Turkic manuscripts of the 16th-18th centuries was carried out to analyse these ethnonyms. All ethnonyms found in the Turkic sources are related to the names of Central European peoples. The paper describes five post-Golden Horde Turkic manuscripts i.e. two manuscripts of ‘Compendium of Chronicles’ (St. Petersburg manuscript (StP) and Kazan manuscript (K)), the anonymous Däftär-i Čingiz-nāmä (1680) (DČN), two manuscripts of Chingiz-name (1551–1552) by Ötemish Hajji (Istanbul manuscript (ÖHi) and Tashkent manuscript (ÖHt)), Umdet ul‑Ahbar (1747) by Abdulgaffar Qirimi (AGf), Shajara-i Turk (1663?) by Abu al‑Ghazi (AG), as well as the labels of the Crimean khans.

The aim of this paper is to establish the independence of the names of Central European peoples (Hungarian, German, Austrian, Lithuanian). In accordance with the aim, the following questions are set:

  • How did the names recorded in the post-Golden Horde sources appear?
  • Do these proper names provide an additional meaning in the post-Golden Horde sources, or do they just copy the meaning of the name from the existing Mongolian and Persian sources?
  • Why and how did the double names of peoples appear?
  • What meanings, besides the people’s names, do these proper names represent?


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