Turkish Cypriot Beliefs and Traditions on Birth

Sabahattin Sağiroğulları

Turkish Cypriot Beliefs and Traditions on Birth

(45th Meeting of the PIAC, Budapest 2002)

As it is known the Turkish Cypriots are the grandchildren of the Turkish settlers from Anatolia, who were settled on the island following the conquest of Cyprus by the Ottomans in 1571. For this reason, the beliefs and customs of the Turkish Cypriots are the same as the beliefs and customs from regions in Anatolia. And beliefs about birth, death and after life are no different from those beliefs of the Anatolian Turks.

In my presentation I would like to give you information about the Turkish Cypriot traditions and customs on birth.

For a woman who has just given birth, the Turkish Cypriots call that woman a lodusa (woman in childbed) and care for her with great attention.

The person who has delivered the baby is referred to as an ebe (midwife) and this person is generally a woman who is respected and rewarded with money and gifts.