The Venue in which the Tangible Cultural Heritages of both, The Turks and The World is Protected:
Çengelhan Rahmi M. Koc Museum
(53rd Annual Meeting of the PIAC, St. Petersburg 2010)
A museum is a visual venue, conveying the cultural history and heritage of the humanity from archaic eras to present. Serving as laboratory in transferring tangible values to the future in a principle of traditional integrity, museums are the cultural bridges between the past and the present. Living the past in the present time is the most mysterious journey of the people of our era. In this article, the museum of Çengelhan Rahmi M. Koc which symbolizes the 5th era museum understanding, i.e. modern museum studies will be discussed.
Even though the museum is dedicated mainly to the histories of industry and communications, it also includes some objects related to Ankara and Mustapha Kemal Atatürk in its collections. Being exhibit in the splendid building located at the entrance of Ankara Castle, the collection includes to-scale objects such as cockboats and cars as well as miniature models.
Çengelhan Rahmi M. Koc Museum will be discussed with its social, psychological, technological, aesthetic, folkloric and economic aspects in terms of Tangible Cultural Heritages Convention of UNESCO. Tangible Cultural Heritages in Çengelhan Rahmi M. Koc Museum will be analyzed in the contexts of collecting, storing, exhibiting and sustenance understandings of modern museum. The mission of the museum will be assessed not only in regard to protecting the cultural heritage but also in regard to living them and keeping them alive.