Mahmud Zamakhshari who was born in Izmikshir (Zamakhshar) village of Gorogly district of Dashoguz province of Turkmenistan is a great Turkic-Islamic thinker, and The Holy Qur’an’s commentator as well as an authority in linguistics. In written sources it is expressed that he left more than 60 works in various branches of science. Amongst them all, only the book of “Mukaddimat al-adab” as a Arabic-Persian-Turkish dictionary, which has an important place in Turkic linguistics.
The author copy of “Mukaddimat al-adab” is so far missing. However, it has a lot of Arabic-Turkic copied manuscripts kept in libraries of a various countries such as Turkey, France, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Russia, Egypt, UAE, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. But it is known so far that an unrecognized and unstudied copy by the scientific circles is kept in Russian Academy of Sciences, Department of Dagestan, Institute of History, language and literature, Makhachkala city No. 1330.
In this presentation we are going to focus on the manuscripts of this Zamakhshari’s dictionary written in historic Turkic languages such as Oghuzian, Khwarezmian, Qipchakian, Chagataian and Ottomanian. Especially, detailed and comparative information will be presented on the sample of Makhachkala.