The Conservation of Altai Language Resources in China: Current Situation and Problems

Ding Shiqing & Guo Weishi

The Conservation of Altai Language Resources in China:
Current Situation and Problems

(65th Meeting Astana, 2023)

As the largest Chinese language resource protection project in the world, it has collected data of corpus resources of Chinese dialects and more than 120 minority languages from its inception in 2015 to its completion in 2019. The focus of the second phase of the project is to further supplement and improve the corpus resources of the first phase. Among them, the data related to the language resources of China’s Altai family has basically covered all the languages in China, which has unprecedentedly broken historical records in terms of the survey language, the quality of the actual corpus obtained and the methods adopted. Based on the relevant survey data and materials, this paper summarizes and analyzes the types, general characteristics and existing problems of the language resources of the Altai language family in China, and discusses and reflects on the relevant topics.

Keywords: Chinese language resources conservation project; Altaic language family resources Language resources; Current situation; Problem.