It is known that the regions of the named three republics are rich with monuments related to the history of the Kyrgyz people. On August 28, the expedition came to the Republic of Khakassia, and familiarized with the monuments associated with the history of Kyrgyz statehood. Fifth century CE Kyrgyz government was built beside the river Yenisei, and the management system was implemented with ‘Inal’ (‘Ajo’) on the head. After the Yenisei Kyrgyzs’ State iron workers became widely known the one branch of the Great Silk Road went to the South Siberia. 711 CE the Kyrgyz State led by Barsbek was unexpectedly attacked by the East Turks during the night. As a result of this battle Barsbek was killed and buried in a place unknown in history. The runes and monuments after Barsbek are now in ‘Mongu-Suu’ commemorative museum. 840 CE after 20 years of struggling with Uighur Kaganat for the liberation the war ended with creation of Great Kyrgyz Empire. Despite the state did not exist so long, the most important thing is that the ethnoname Kyrgyz became the name of the nation and turned into politoname. The historical monuments up to the end of the XII century associated with Kyrgyz occur in the Altay region. September 2, the expedition continued its trip to Tuva. In the capital of the Tuva, Kyzyl city the scientists were welcomed by the staff of the Tuva Humanitarian Research Insitutute. The search ways of Mother-Tuva language speaking people brought the members the expedition to the villages Iyim-Tal, Aryg-Bajy, Shagonar (Shagaan-Aryg). Here we heard about the tribe named Kyrgys in the tuvinians content and acquainted with them. The field materials collected in Onguday, Ulagan and Kosh-Agach regions, Chui valley of the Altay will be a very valuable assistance to the future scientific works. Of course there are a few people who collected and know the past legends, myths, tales. Development work of audio and video materials collected still lies ahead.
In short there are very few people that know the folklore currently; in this context we can note that there are folk artists only. That’s why scientists: folklorists, teachers, experts are agree that the roots of the folklore are getting lost. In this regard with years the scientific value of the materials collected by Antipina K.I., Abramzon S.M., Verbitsky V.I., Tatarintsev V.I. etc. will increase.