1. Covid19 testing: we kindly ask all Participants to arrive with a negative PCR test no older than 48 hours or take a test provided on-site on Monday, August 22 after breakfast, before the start of the conference at the University. The cost of on-site testing is 5 Euro/test. One or the other is required. Each participant will receive an additional test that can be taken during the week.
2. Wearing of masks is highly recommended in closed rooms when moving around and in meetings during breaks. Presenters may take off the mask during their presentation.
3. Disinfection dispensers are available on-site.
4. The audience of a lecture will be seated in a chessboard pattern, the lecture hall is large enough to allow for it.
5. PIAC Participants should stay as much as possible in a bubble, avoid large crowds, and venues other than offered by the conference.
6. Should any medical issue arise, please contact Cecilia Hazai (Tel: +36 309710627, email: cecilia.hazai@gmail.com).