unanimously passed at the 60th Meeting
of the
Permanent International Altaistic Conference
The members assembled in the 60th Meeting of the PIAC wish to express their most cordial thanks to Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, the university’s Vice Dean Judit Nagy and President of the 60th Annual Meeting, Dr. habil. Ákos Apatóczky, for their expert organization and admirable arrangements made for hosting the 60th Annual Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference as well as for arranging the visits to Székesfehérvár and Budapest.
The members assembled in the 60th Meeting of the PIAC wish to express their most sincere gratitude to the management and staff of the Lakeside Hotel, Székesfehérvár, for their gracious hospitality in their beautiful premises and grounds.
The members assembled in the 60th Meeting of the PIAC appreciate that Indiana University, by means of endowing the Indiana Prize for Altaic Studies and the Medal associated with, colloquially going by the name of “PIAC Medal”, during a half a century, from 1963 to 2014, has given unique recognition of and fundamental support to the cause of Altaic Studies in a worldwide scale. The Indiana University Prize for Altaic Studies has been awarded to the most distinguished scholars in the field.
The members assembled in the 60th meeting are convinced that a PIAC prize is indeed a central foundation to further the cause of Altaic Studies, and thus decide to continue the fine tradition of awarding a PIAC prize anew, collectively supported by the members of the PIAC. Since this new PIAC prize will from now on be awarded by the members of the PIAC, the new prize will be baptized “The PIAC Prize for Altaic Studies”. The procedure for electing the recipient of the Prize will respect the time-honoured tradition of establishing a yearly Medal Committee and resume this procedure unchanged.
Székesehérvár, September 1st, 2017.