The PIAC’s Silver Anniversary
The twenty-fifth annual meeting of the PIAC was held in Uppsala, Sweden, from June 8 to June 11, 1982, under the presidency of Ambassador Gunnar Jarring, ably assisted by Professor Staffan Rosen. As behooved the occasion of a silver jubilee, the meeting was not only well attended, it also offered a fine opportunity to rejoice at the success of an initially modest undertaking. Twenty-five consecutive, annual meetings held in fifteen countries constitute a fine record.
Denis Sinor was re-elected Secretary General of the PIAC for a term of five years.
The Committee in Charge of awarding the Indiana University Prize for Altaic Studies took the unusual (but not unconstitutional) Step of honoring simultaneously the two scholars who in the first quarter of a Century of the PIAC’s existence served as Secretary Generals: Professors Walther Heissig and Denis Sinor.
The Proceedings of the meeting will be published by the Swedish Academy under the joint editorship of Gunnar Jarring and Staffan Rosén.
Source: PIAC Newsletter, No. 14, August 1983, p. 2.