Impressions of the 5th Annual Meeting Bloomington, 1962

The linguist Stephen Wurm participated in a PIAC Meeting only once, in 1962 at the occasion of the 5th Annual Meeting 1962, held at Indiana University in Bloomington. He was accompanied by his wife, Helene Gröger-Wurm, who was not only a scholar in her own riight but also a gifted photographer. She accompanied her husband on many travels, creating a visual record of decades of the couple’s activities. The Australian National University Archives (ANUA) hold her estate, among which the following photographs show impressions of the 5th Annual Meeting.

Pictures reproduced with kind permission by the ANUA. Reference numbers: ANUA260-388-127.jpg, ANUA260-388-128.jpg, ANUA260-388-129.jpg, ANUA260-388-130.jpg, ANUA260-388-131.jpg, ANUA260-388-132.jpg, ANUA260-388-133.jpg and ANUA260-388-134.jpg.