- 24th Meeting, 1981
- 28th Meeting, 1985: Towards a Differentation of Common Turkic Synonyms
- 34th Meeting, 1991: “The concept of sovereignty in Kazakhstan from Kül Tegin to the present.”
- 41st Meeting, 1998:
- 42nd Meeting, 1999 (President)
- 44th Meeting, 2001
- 48th Meeting, 2005:
- Communication: Kinship terms in Finno-Ugric and Turkic
- Proceedings: Finno-Ugric and Turkic Parallel Kinship Systems
- 49th Meeting, 2006: Nature Worship Among the Altaic and Uralic Peoples of Siberia
- 50th Meeting, 2007: (together with Sadykova A. G.) Contrastive Study of Compounds in Turkic and Germanic Languages
- 56th Meeting, 2013 (together with Zamira Derbisheva): “Gender Expressions in Kyrgyz Speech”
- 61st Meeting, 2018: Universal Features of Nomadic Games and Other Nomadic Traditions